TuneTracker™ QuickTip

Setting up Networking Under Neo

The new Zeta "Neo" version of Haiku® we've just started including on TuneTracker installation CDs and TuneTracker radio station-in-a-box computers has a great, simple method of setting up networking.

  1. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  2. Click on the Zeta start button, and under Preferences, choose Network.
  3. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  4. Click Create, to create a new profile, and when given the opportunity, type a name for your profile.
  5. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  6. Click Next, and choose the type of networking you need. For most radio station situations, in which you are connecting through a router that is tied to a high-speed Internet connection, the "Automatic / DHCP" is the best choice. It will attempt to auto-find and auto-configure everything for you.
  7. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  8. Click Next, then Finish.
  9. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  10. Select your new profile from the Network Connections list, and choose Activate.

If your router has DHCP capabilities, you should now be networking. Try opening a browser and visting www.google.com or another web site to check. If you aren't networking yet, you may need to set up your networking manually, which requires that you learn the gateway of your router and input some other information.

For manual network setup and lots of other helpful information regarding networking, check out the beautiful Zeta User's Manual included in the Neo installation. You can get to it by clicking on the Zeta start button and looking under Documentation.

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