TuneTracker™ QuickTip

Saving Text from the Scrolling Textbox

TuneTracker AutoCast's scrolling textbox can display your scripts, forecasts, reminders, our context help files, system error messages, as well as our QuickTips and monthly newsletter. Most of the time, you'll just want to read the text right on the screen, but what if you want to save a copy of what you see? It's super easy!

  1. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  2. With your mouse, left-click and drag across the text you wish to copy.
  3. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  4. Do CTRL-C (for copy)
  5. The left and right arrow buttons let you flip through pages and pages of MyShow buttons, all configured exactly as you want them.
  6. Open a word processor, e-mail program, or whatever you like, and do CTRL-V to paste the text into the document. Then just save it or e-mail it.

Hint: All TuneTracker installations come with pre-configured hotkeys, including CTRL-W, which opens up the handy little StyledEdit word processor. Using the scenario above, you'd do drag across the text as above, then do CTRL-C to copy, CTRL-W to open StyledEdit, CTRL-V to paste, then CTRL-S to save.

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